I Will Until: Choose Better Not Bitter
Inspiration Contagion
Dedicated to fostering a sense of community and light in a world often overshadowed by negative news, the show delves into the lives and experiences of transformational leaders who have made significant changes in their health, clarity, or business.
Holly Jean Jackson

I Will Until: Choose Better Not Bitter

E80 • Aug 23, 2023 • 44 mins

Join me and Darin as we explore stories of success, struggle, and how you too can achieve anything you set your mind to. Darin is a best selling author, global keynote speaker, executive trainer and business growth strategist. A successful entrepreneur for 32 years, he has built businesses that have produced nine figures in revenue. He is a husband and father of five, who is focused on making a global impact.

Key Points

  • Darren Kidd emphasizes the importance of a positive mindset and being coachable, sharing his journey from bankruptcy to building nine-figure businesses and inspiring others that their past does not equal their future.
  • Kidd advocates for intentional daily habits and rituals to achieve peak performance, like planning the day ahead, morning personal development, and using techniques like the Pomodoro method to maintain focus and productivity.
  • He highlights the critical role of customer experience in business success, advising to underpromise and overdeliver, and to view challenges like recessions as opportunities to innovate and gain market share.
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